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 Welcome to Xtremo! ^_^

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Number of posts : 58
Age : 35
Localisation : In the new boards! XD
Registration date : 2007-06-07

Welcome to Xtremo! ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Welcome to Xtremo! ^_^   Welcome to Xtremo! ^_^ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 07, 2007 2:47 pm

This is a new board I made to those of you who know my first board "Stay-In-Connect". The other's one is so crappy >_> so I've decided to make a new board. Sorry for any inconvience, but I got to say that this board is soooooooooooooo much better XD. Here are my reasons:

1. Before I post this message, I test out a youtube video and it actually works here! YES! >_< unlike the other board, you have to use links.

2. It has the coolest emoticons I've ever seen (and funny ones lol!)

3. It has a cooler look and I can change color to it whenever I feel like it. Unlike the other board, I can't do that.

4. It has a calendar so we can keep track of events...even birthdays!! ^_^

5. The search engine works. Unlike the other one, it doesn't (pure crappiness)


Anyway, hope you'll love this board! See you soon! Very Happy

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